Before I came to Dr. Eger, I was told by the top corneal specialist in Arizona that I needed a corneal transplant due to an eye disease, keratoconus. Within one month of working with Dr. Eger, I had recovered my vision using orthokeratology lenses and lifestyle changes. Now it is seven years later, and I never needed that surgery! Dr. Eger has a wealth of knowledge, and his background as a teacher allows him to explain ideas simply. Unlike traditional optometrists, Dr. Eger empowers the patient to improve their vision by putting them back in control of their health. Dr. Eger is also very impassioned about his field and cares deeply about his patients. If you care at all about your visual health, make an appointment with Dr. Eger today. It certainly changed my life!
I was told I needed a corneal transplant due to an eye disease, keratoconus. Within one month of working with Dr. Eger, I had recovered my vision using orthokeratology lenses and lifestyle changes. Now it is seven years later, and I never needed that surgery! Dr. Eger has a wealth of knowledge, and his background as a teacher allows him to explain ideas simply.
Kristin, AZ, USA.Several years ago I started ortho-k with Dr. Eger. Two weeks after I started I threw away my glasses and started using contacts exclusively. I wear my lenses probably, on average, 12 hours a week. I take a flight physical every 2 years. My medical certificate used to say, 'must use corrective lenses'. After ortho-k it read, 'must carry reading glasses while operating aircraft'. This year there were no restrictions. The physical was on my 66th birthday. I wear lenses while watching TV in the evening two or three times a week. I also wear them when going to the Suns games. I never wear them during the day. My golfing buddies rely on me to track their ball. They can't believe I see so well without my glasses. I recommend anyone, regardless of age, give Dr. Eger serious consideration.
Several years ago I started ortho-k with Dr. Eger. Two weeks after I started I threw away my glasses and started using contacts exclusively. My medical certificate used to say, 'must use corrective lenses'. This year there were no restrictions. The physical was on my 66th birthday. I recommend anyone, regardless of age, give Dr. Eger serious consideration.
Ted, USA.My uncle diagnosed me with Keratoconus while on vacation in Mexico, and I began using RGPs. Then, every doctor I visited in the USA wanted to me to get cross-linking, and I refused based on price alone. I'm a strong believer the body can heal itself if given the chance, so I set out to find a doctor who treats KC holistically. From the first visit with Dr. Eger, my corneas were super happy with how he fitted RGPs and responded well. It's been almost 10 years since working with Dr. Eger, and my corneas keep flattening. Dr. Eger is extremely passionate about helping "his cones" never go for a transplant, and it's something I admire and appreciate. Dr. Eger's teachings help me in more than just managing my KC as it's about living with a bank account in the black.
Every doctor I visited wanted to me to get cross-linking, and I refused based on price alone. From the first visit with Dr. Eger, my corneas were happy with how he fitted RGPs and responded well. It's been almost 10 years, and my corneas keep flattening. Dr. Eger's teachings help me in more than just managing my KC as it's about living with a bank account in the black.
Eunice, CA, USA.I thank Dr. Eger all he did for me and my vision. There were no Orthokeratology services provided where I live when I needed it the most. In addition, my local ophthalmologist determined that I could not be fitted with contact lenses of any kind. My vision was approximately 20/200 left and 20/100 right eye with astigmatism in both eyes. After visiting with Dr. Eger, I was immediately fitted with contacts, and within six months, my vision has dramatically improved. I had a company physical preformed, and my vision, unaided, was 20/40 with very little astigmatism. I cannot thank Dr. Eger enough for the return of my vision.
My local ophthalmologist determined I couldn't be fitted with contact lenses of any kind. My vision was approximately 20/200 left and 20/100 right with astigmatism in both eyes. After visiting with Dr. Eger, I was immediately fitted with contacts, and within six months, my vision has dramatically improved. I cannot thank Dr. Eger enough for the return of my vision.
Robert, OK, USA